Wildwood Outdoor Classroom
Summer Lecture Series 2006

Full Schedule

June 8   Songs of the Night   (8:00 pm)

            Jerry Via: Virginia Tech

·         Chirps, Croaks, and Hoots -- Find out who is making those strange sounds you hear on a summer night with this popular multi-media presentation.  Do not be surprised if an owl answers the call as well!

June 15   Bluebirds and Salamanders (8:00 pm)

            Wilson Rankin: Naturalist     Jeff Brown: Radford High School

·         Learn about Bluebirds and how bluebird boxes help restore this species.  Learn about the great variety of salamanders that live in the New River Valley through discoveries in Wildwood Park.

June 22   The New River, Watersheds, and Connelly’s Run   (8:00 pm)

            Frank Taylor: Radford High School   Llyn Sharp: New River Round Table/Virginia Tech

·         Streams, like Connelly’s Run in Wildwood Park, are critical parts of the New River Watershed.   The story of the New River, the watershed concept, and protecting this great resource will be presented. (See http://newriverroundtable.org/)


Connelly's Run
Silvery Checkerspot

August 10  Wildwood Wings:  Birds, Butterflies, and Flying Creatures (7:30 pm)

            Clyde Kessler: Naturalist/Virginia Tech

·         Discover the flying world through the eyes of well-known naturalist Clyde Kessler.  Birds, butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies, some common and some rare, will be introduced in this presentation.


August 17 Take a Walk through Wildwood’s Past (7:30 pm)

            Ralph Berrier: Historian/Roanoke Times

·         Wildwood holds a unique place in Radford, both geographically and historically.  American Indians and frontiersman blazed trails along its creek bank, a fierce Civil War battle occurred nearby and local families recall the days when children splashed in the park’s beloved swimming pool.  Hear some of these stories of Radford’s oldest park.

Wildwood Pool

August 24  The Monarch Migration Phenomena (7:30 pm)

            Frank Taylor: Radford High School

·         Butterflies tagged in Radford have been recovered over two thousand miles away in their winter roosts in Mexico.  Learn about the biology of monarchs and their incredible migration. Learn how you can participate in this nationwide research study.


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Page last modified: 28 May 2006