June 14: And the Water Bug Said, “What’s for Dinner?”
Jamie Lau, Radford University, Biology Department
Scrub-a-dub-dub, find out what's in the tub! Under the microscope, let's discover the tiny food items that water bugs eat -- the green ones (algae) & the glassy ones (diatoms).
June 28: Be a Nature Detective
Christine Small, Radford University, Biology Department
Kids & adults! Everyone can help protect plants, birds, & other wildlife. Learn how you can monitor species at Wildwood & in your own backyard. Check out www.USANPN.org!

July 12: Freshwater Mussels of Virginia: Life History, Status, & Conservation
Jess Jones, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Virginia Tech The mussel fauna of VA is one of the most diverse in the U.S. The mussels here exhibit amazing mimicry to attract fish hosts to complete their life cycle. Learn how mussels go "fishing" for their hosts! |
July 26: Avian Anecdotes: Tales from Wildlife Rehab
Haley Olsen-Hodges, Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center
What happens when birds are injured & need help? They come to us! Hear stories about rehabilitating wild birds & why knowing how they live & behave matters. Live educational animals will be present!
August 9: Legends, Lore, & Luminescence of Lightning Bugs
David Horton, Radford University College of Science & Technology
We all love the magical lights of the summer evening hours, welcoming the cool of night on a warm day. Learn about the science that lights up a lightning bug & the stories about them from many cultures.


August 23: Meet the Bats of Wildwood
Karen Powers, Radford University, Biology Department
Meet the bats of the region & the tools used to monitor them. We'll have bat nets set up over Connelly's Run to catch some early evening fliers. |