Wildwood Park is being revitalized by Pathways for Radford, a citizens' group working with the City of Radford to facilitate the development of a network of bikeways, walkways and trails throughout the City, while enhancing access to and preserving the City's unique natural resources.

Our vision is:

• To create a network of bikeways, walkways and trails linking our residential areas with city schools, parks, shopping areas and places of employment.
• To provide safe routes for all of our citizens, as an alternative to heavily traveled vehicular roadways. Building a healthy community focused on alternative modes of transportation.
•To create a thriving diverse economic base in the City by encouraging tourists and members of the local community to seek out the city center as an alternative to shopping areas accessible only by automobile.
• To connect Wildwood Park to the bikeway network, and enhance its value as a nature and historical preserve for recreation and education.

Pathways for Radford Officers

Wildwood Web Manager: Gary Coté gcote@radford.edu

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Page last modified: 30 April 2008