Dainty Sulphur, Nathalis iole
Pierideae or White and Sulphur Family

Adult, side

The smallest sulphur in our area, about 1 inch across. Rests with wings folded and held to catch the sun's rays. The shape of the wings is distinctive for a sulphur; the forewing is unusually elongated, as in the picture at left. Wings fuzzy-looking, with yellowish to brownish hindwing, and yellow forewing. Forewing marked with black spots. Upper surfaces of wings - which it won't likely show you - are yellowish with black tips and edging, more black in the female. Males have a bright orange scent gland on the upper surface of the wings. Spends time low to ground, and likes low-growing members of the sunflower family.

Native of the Tropics, north to Florida and Texas. Wanders northward every summer, but cannot survive our winters. A rare visitor to the Park. Caterpillar unknown in our area.

Easily identified by the small size, yellow color, and elongated forewing.

Adult, face

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