on wood or bark, especially in shady areas. Said to be the most common
shadow lichen in the eastern U.S. In Wildwood it is very common on
fence rails, and probably also on tree bark.
lichens share the characters of dark color, a thick layer of rhizines,
and the tendency to turn green when wet. But, no other shadow lichen
has orange inside. Thus, to be sure you have found the bloody shadow,
look for areas that have been damaged (slugs are happy to do the dirty
work by munching away) and show the orange underneath. If the lichen is
completely intact, clip a very small piece off a lobe end with your
fingernail and look for the color. Smooth shadow (P. ciliata) is very similar, but is much more likely to have bowl-shaped apothecia, never has soredia, and has a white medulla.
The "official" common name for this species is orange-cored shadow, but that name is boring, so I prefer bloody shadow. |