Silky Parchment, Stereum striatum
Stereaceae or Parchment Fungus Family

A wood-rotting fungus that grows on the undersides of twigs and branches. Mushroom small, leathery, round to fan-shaped, often fusing together. It grows so that the top of the mushoom is attached to the underside of the twig, The picture at left shows the undersides.  The tops, which stick out to the sides of the twig are white to buff, and covered with silky fibers that lie along the surface.  The underside, from which spores are released is smooth and orange brown. Persists year-round.

Occasionally on branches and twigs, including fallen ones..

Resembles other species of Stereum and some mycologists consider them varieties of one species.  Silky Parchment generally grows ont he undersides of branches, while other species commonly grow out from the sides of the branches, although they can grow on the underside.  The other species known from the Park, False turkey tails (S. ostrea), and crowded parchment (S. complicatum)  are also more colorful, with bands of orange and brown. 




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