Tall tree, blooming in mid spring.
Bark rough. Leaves compound, with 6 to 20 egg-shaped leaflets
arranged opposite each other, and one similar leaflet at the tip.
Branches have a pair of thorns at the base of each leaf, which persist
after the leaves fall. (One of the thorns in the picture is
actually a camouflaged membracid
Treehopper, an insect in the order Homoptera and family Membracidae.) Flowers
in dense drooping clusters, white, fragrant, resembling the flowers of
peas. Fruit a long, brown, flattened pod.
Occasional in wooded areas of the
Unmistakable in bloom when the flowers may
cover the trees. Easily identified even when not in bloom as the
thorny branches and leaves are distinctive, at least in the Park.
Honey locust (Gleditsia
is most similar, but the leaflets are smaller, and there are 2 at the
end, and there are no thorns on the branches. Pods, when present, are
also distinctive.
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