Slippery Elm, Ulmus rubra
Ulmaceae or Elm Family


Medium-sized tree, to 60 feet. Leaves alternate on the twigs, egg-shaped, long-pointed, double-toothed, hairy below, and very rough and sandpapery above. Leaves are uneven at the base, as seen at the bottom, and they have strongly marked veins. They turn yellow in autumn. Flowers are small and green and often go unnoticed as they are high in the tree. Blooms in early spring, before the tree leafs out. Male and female flowers are separate on the same tree. Fruits are papery circles with a seed in the middle.

A native forest tree. Common in Wildwood. There is an excellent specimen east of the Bikeway just south of the North Bridge. The slippery inner bark gives the plant its name and was used medicinally to make slippery elm tea and medicines.

The uneven-based, double-toothed leaves with strong veins are diagnostic of elms, of which only one is known from the Park.

Leaf Leaf Leaf underside
Flowers Early Fruits Fruits

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