Princess Tree or Royal Paulownia (Paulownia
Paulowniaceae or Princess Tree Family
(formerly placed in the Bignoniaceae, Trumper Creeper Family, or in the Scrophulariaceae, Figwort Family)
Tall tree with very large, one-half to one foot
long, heart shaped leaves in pairs.
Flowers in late spring before the leaves completely unfurl. Flowers
are about 2 inches long, pale violet, tubular, with five flaring lobes and a yellow
throat. Fruits are pecan-shaped woody capsules, filled
with seeds, often persisting long after the seeds are shed.
Occasional in the wooded parts of the Park.
The flowers and leaves are both distinctive, but
the tree, being so tall is rarely noticed, except as a beautiful
purple tree on distant hillsides in the late spring.
Flowers most often seen in closeup only when fallen.