Small-Flowered Crowfoot or Kidney-Leaf Crowfoot  Ranunculus abortivus
Ranunculaceae or Buttercup Family

Small herb, up to about 2 ft tall.  Flowers very small, consisting of a green berry-like center surrounded by 5 tiny, bright yellow petals and 5 sepals that are strongly bent downward.  Stem leaves, and some basal leaves divided into 3 or more oblong leaflets.  Some basal leaves, however, kidney-shaped with scalloped edges.  Blooms in spring.

Woodland plant, moderately abundant along the woodland trails of the Park.

Crowfoots are buttercups with very small flowers.  Several other buttercups are known in the Park, but all have larger flowers.  Hooked crowfoot (Ranunculus recurvatus) also occurs in the Park.  It prefers moist areas, and its leaves are all deeply lobed, but not divided and not kidney-shaped.