Staghorn Sumac,  Rhus typhina
Anacardiaceae or Cashew Family

A small tree, 5-20 feet tall.  Leaves are large, with 11-31 narrow, toothed leaflets, turn beautifully red in autumn.  Twigs and leafstalks are covered with velvety hairs.  Flowers are small and green, with 5 petals, in a pyramidal cluster. Blooms in early summer.  Flowers develop into red berries that are covered with fine hairs. 

Although native, this is a somewhat weedy tree, preferring open spaces and invading pastures and roadsides.  In Wildwood, it can be found along the Park edges, under the powerlines, and along Wildwood Drive and the bikeway.

Dwarf sumac (R. copallina) has only a few teeth on its leaflets, and the leafstalks are winged between the leaflets.  Smooth sumac (R. glabra)  is similar, but lacks the velvety hairs on the twigs.  Neither has been reported from the Park.  Fragrant sumac (R. aromatica) is much shorter, and has only 3 leaflets. Poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), which is more dangerous than poison ivy, is found only in swamps, and most people rarely or never see it.  Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) has similar leaves, but the flowers and fruits are different.  Also, the leaflets have only one or two pairs of large teeth.