Cowbane, Oxypolis rigidior
Apiaceae or Parsley Family

Plant 2-4 feet tall, sometimes taller.  Flowers small, with green centers and five white petals.  Flowers radiating from a center point like fireworks displays.  Leaves not opposite each other, divided into 5 to 16 leaflets.  The leaflets have a few teeth above the middle, or none.  Blooms in late summer. Fruits small, brown, resembling seeds.  All parts of the plant are poisonous to eat.  There is no danger from touching it.

Attractive native of swamps and wet woods.  In Wildwood very common in the wetland just within the gate, occasional in other wet, sunny spots. 

The white-flowered members of the parsley family are often difficult to tell apart, but there are relatively few in Wildwood, and this species is relatively easy to identify based on its wet habitat and late summer blooming.  Poison hemlock is much larger, has finely dissected leaves and blooms in early summer.  Aniseroot is smaller, blooms in late spring and prefers woodlands. Bishop's goutweed has similar flowers, but the leaves are different and it blooms in early summer.

Leaf   Flowers
Fruits Fruits Closeup of fruits

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