Tall Rattlesnake Root,
Prenanthes trifoliata

Asteraceae or Sunflower Family

Erect plant, about 2 to 4 feet tall.  Flower heads white to pinkish, nodding, bell-shaped, with 7 or more ray flowers.  Leaves variable, but usually with three segments and the segments often segmented.  Blooms in late summer to fall.

Native, but considered uncommon south of Pennsylvania.  Prefers woodlands.  In Wildwood, fairly common in the woods on the eastern slope of the Park.

Tall white lettuce (Prenanthes altissima) has 5 or 6 ray flowers per head, and leaves that are triangular, sometimes with lobes.  It too likes woodlands and blooms about the same time, but seems to prefer the western side of the Park.




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