Tall White Lettuce,  Prenanthes altissima
Asteraceae or Sunflower Family

Erect plant, about 2 to 4 feet tall.  Flower heads white to greenish, nodding, bell-shaped, with 5 or 6 ray flowers. Fruits dandelion-like.  Leaves highly variable.  Stem leaves usually with shallow irregular lobes or teeth.  The lower leaves usually broad triangular, toothed, sometimes lobed.  Blooms in late summer to fall.

Native; prefers woodlands.  In Wildwood, fairly common in the woods on the western slope of the Park.

Tall rattlesnake root (Prenanthes trifoliata) has 7 or more ray flowers per head, and leaves that are generally divided into 3 lobes that are again lobed.  It too likes woodlands and blooms about the same time, but seems to prefer the eastern side of the Park.