The Master Plan

What's Next?


Design and renovation of the entrance area of the park remains a high priority.

According to the Master Plan for Wildwood, the entrance on West Main Street (shown at left) would provide some parking outside the park. A removable car barrier would allow for entrance of emergency vehicles. Once people enter, the Plan envisioned development of the existing marshy area into a stream and wetland habitat with boardwalks allowing families to get into the wetland without damaging it. Plantings of native species would isolate the visitors from busy Norwood Street. Benches would provide an overlook of the valley. A low bridge would allow foot, bicycle, and wheelchair traffic down a paved trail to Connelly's Run.

Drawings of the Master Plan Concept for the park entrance

A gate has been installed to allow emergency access to the Park, an informational kiosk has been installed, and some landscaping has been performed.  A bench allows people to rest and look out over the floodplain of Connelly's Run.  However, the park entrance is still let's inviting than we would like.  With input from the public and from the city government, Pathways has developed a working plan for developing the entranceway, which has been approved for further study, and possible implementation.  Click on the map below to see the plan.  We invite your feedback.  Please contact us with your thoughts and suggestions.

We especially need people willing to give of their time and money to support our efforts. Our vision will remain only that -a vision- unless people are willing to give of themselves to help.  All grants require the citizens of Radford to contribute matching contributions and donation of their time.

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Page last modified: 20 July 2007