Wavy-leaved Aster,
Symphyotrichum undulatum
(formerly Aster
what happened?)
Asteraceae or Sunflower Family
Flower heads, 3/4 to 1 inch wide, have many central yellow
disc flowers and 8-15 pale violet to white ray flowers.
Larger leaves are heart-shaped with a winged stalk. Wing
is enlarged at the base and clasps the stem. Blooms in
late fall.
Native. Found in dry open spaces.
There are many asters in the Park, and they are hard to tell
apart; however, the clasping enlarged base of the leafstalk is
distinctive in this species.
Lowry's aster (S. lowrieanum) also has winged leafstalks but the base is not
enlarged and does not clasp the stem, and the flowers are
smaller. Heart-leaved aster
(S. cordifolium) has heart-shaped leaves, but the stalks are narrow and have no
wings and the leaves are toothed. Schreber's aster (Eurybia schreberi) also has toothed heart-shaped leaves, but the flowers are white and the leafstalks are not winged.