Sprawling, clambering vine. Leaves are
heart-shaped. Flowers showy, trumpet-shaped, white, with a
pink or purple throat, up to 3 inches long. Blooms in
early summer. Beautiful native of dry hills and slopes.
In Wildwood, occasional on the cliffs along Wildwood Drive.
There are several other morning glories in Wildwood, but none have white flowers with colored throats. Common morning glory (I. purpurea) flowers may be white, but usually aren't. Small white morning glory (I. lacunosa) has white flowers, but they are smaller. Ivy-leaved morning glory (I. hederacea) has blue flowers and very different leaves. Hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium) and upright bindweed (C. spithamaea) have white to pink flowers, but the leaves are more triangular than heart shaped..