The Wildwood Outdoor Classroom
The Clasroom is Planned

Almost since the beginning of Pathways for Radford's push to revitalize Wildwood Park as a place of education, research, relaxation and contemplation, an outdoor classroom has been part of the plans.  At the March meeting of Pathways for Radford the outdoor classroom was chosen as one of the priorities for 2005.  Funding for the project is being provided by Pathways, by the city, and by a generous donation from the Harvey family.  Frank Taylor, with the help of the Wildwood Committee, has been working hard on the planning of this addition to the park, and initial clearing of brush has taken place. 
The new classroom will be located along the Riverway bike path, north of the south butterfly meadow, near the intersection of the Riverway and the main road into the park. At the right you can see the site as it looked last winter, before any work had been done.  (Click image for a larger view.)
At left is the site now.  Preliminary grading has been performed.  It looks like an eyesore now, but that will only be temporary.  Notice the exposed wall of the old swimming pool.  It will be important that the entire classroom be sited outside the swimming pool, lest it slowly sink into the fill that was dumped in the pool!

The Outdoor Classroom Story:
     The Outdoor Classroom is Planned
     The Poles Go Up
     The Beams Go on the Poles
     Radford High School Helps Out
     Community Barn Raising: 1. The Roof Trusses
     Community Barn Raising: 2. Support for the Workers
     Community Barn Raising: 3. Finishing the Roof
     The Classroom Finally in Use


Page last modified: 13 March 2006